The Rowan Resolves
At a meeting of the Committee [of Safety, Rowan County, North Carolina],
August 8, 1774, the following resolves were unanimously agreed to:
RESOLVED, That we will at all times whenever we are called upon for
that purpose, maintain and defend, at the expense of our lives and fortunes, His
Majesty's rights and title to the crown of Great Britain and his dominions in
America, to whose royal person and government we profess all due obedience and
RESOLVED, That the right to impose taxes or duties, to be paid by the
inhabitants within this Province, for any purpose whatsoever, is peculiar and
essential to the General Assembly, in whom the legislative authority of the
colony is vested.
RESOLVED, That every attempt to impose such taxes or duties by any
other authority is an arbitrary exertion of power, and an infringement of the
constitutional rights and liberties of the colony.
RESOLVED, That to impose a tax or duty on tea by the British
Parliament, in which the North American Colonies can have no representation, to
be paid upon importation by the inhabitants of the said colonies, is an act of
power without right. It is subversive to the liberties of the said colonies,
deprives them of their property without their own consent, and thereby reduces
them to a state of slavery.
RESOLVED, That the late cruel and sanguinary acts of Parliament, to be
executed by military force and ships of war upon our sister colony of
Massachusetts Bay and town of Boston, is a strong evidence of the corrupt
influence obtained by the British Ministry in Parliament, and a convincing proof
of their fixed intention to deprive the colonies of their constitutional rights
and liberties.
RESOLVED, That the cause of the town of Boston is the common cause of
the American Colonies.
RESOLVED, That it is the duty and interest of all the American
Colonies firmly to unite in an indissoluble union and association, to oppose by
every just and proper means the infringement of their common rights and
RESOLVED, That a general association between all the American Colonies
not to import from Great Britain any commodity whatsoever (except such things as
shall be hereafter exempted by the General Congress of this Province) ought to
be entered into, and not dissolved till the just rights of the colonies are
restored to them, and the cruel acts of the British Parliament against the
Massachusetts Bay and the town of Boston are repealed.
RESOLVED, That no friend of the rights and liberties of America ought
to purchase any commodity whatsoever, except such as shall be exempted, which
shall be imported from Great Britain after the General Association shall be
agreed upon.
RESOLVED, That every kind of luxury, dissipation, and extravagance
ought to be banished from among us.
RESOLVED, That manufacturers ought to be encouraged by opening
subscriptions for that purpose, or by any other proper means.
RESOLVED, That the African slave trade is injurious to this colony,
obstructs the population of it by free men, prevents manufacturers and other
useful immigrants from Europe from settling among us, and occasions an annual
increase of the balance of trade against the colonies.
RESOLVED, That the raising of sheep, hemp, and flax ought to be
RESOLVED, That to be clothed in manufactures fabricated in the
colonies ought to be considered as a badge of distinction, or respect, and true
RESOLVED, That Messrs. Samuel Young and Moses Winslow, for the County
of Rowan, and for the town of Salisbury, William Kennon, Esq., be, and they are
hereby, nominated and appointed Deputies upon the part of the inhabitants and
freeholders of this county and town of Salisbury, to meet such Deputies as shall
be appointed by the other counties and corporations within this colony, at
Johnston Courthouse, the twentieth of this instant.
RESOLVED, That, at this important and alarming crisis, it be earnestly
recommended to the said Deputies at their General Convention, that they nominate
and appoint one proper person out of each district of this Province, to meet
Continental Colonies in America, to consult and agree upon a firm and
indissoluble union and association for preserving, by the best and most proper
means, their common rights and liberties.
RESOLVED, That this colony ought not to trade with any colony which
shall refuse to join in any union and association that shall be agreed upon by
the greater part of the other colonies on this continent, for preserving their
common rights and liberties.
James McCay Andrew Neal George Cathey Alexander Dobbins
Francis McCorkle Matthew Locke Maxwell Chambers Henry Harmon
Abraham Denton William Davidson Samuel Young John Johnson
John Brevard William Kennon George Henry Barringer Robert Bell
John Bickerstaff John Cowden John Lewis Beard John Nesbit
Charles McDowell Robert Blackburn Christopher Beekman William
Sharpe Morgan Bryan
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